Thursday, January 14, 2010

The relief of worrying less..

Tuesday was such a positive outcome at the hospital. The fact that Lauren now weighs 3 lb 15 oz, and still has 3 weeks to grow before she is delivered at 36 weeks. The fact that they promised to set a C section date next week, which helps in the grand scheme of planning...the fact that Dr. Wang said she has made great progress, and that he thinks perhaps transfusion number 4 could be the last one...all of it is such a relief. Than why is it I am so tired now all of a sudden? It would seem that all of the energy it took to put on a brave face and to put one foot in front of the next was keeping me going. It seems that while there will still be some moments ahead that are scary, that for the most part things are going to be OK. And that information is so re-assuring...and yet it allows me for the first time to feel truly tired.


Unknown said...

I think you were going on adrenaline to handle everything as you needed to and so that is why it feels that way now. Just know to protect your energies as you will need to rebuild some reserve energy. Easier said than done!

Just hope you find a way to hunker down. Hugs all around! judy

Anonymous said...

Wow that is such a relief!!!! This little baby is a miracle. Praying for you everyday!!! Love Maryal and Derby