Friday, September 17, 2010

Dreams Come True

I hesitate to write about this because its not specifically my news...but I can't resist because it is so exciting for us...and the broader implication that its never to late for your dreams to come true! My mom grew up in Chicago Illinois but her grandparents had a cottage on a lake in Red Granite Wisconsin called Pearl Lake. She visited that lake whenever she could until she was 20 years old. It became a way of life, being at the Lake, and she always loved it. They had friendsips, and first loves, swimming and skiing, long lazy days when it raining, visits to the sauna. She has always wished a return to the Lake Days. We vacationed there several times while I was growing up and we have fond memories of those visits and the lucky times when our cousins were there too. About two weeks ago my brother suggested to my mom that she could probably make this dream a reality if she wanted. She has more free time now that my papa is gone, and it has come time to think about her own retirement and what that will look like in the next several years. They set out a three year plan, and two weeks later she has closed the deal on a lake property! We are so excited about "mimi's place" on Lake Thunderhead in Unionville Missouri. It is just a hop/skip/jump for all of us. There is plenty of room for children and grandchildren. While Will is the only little one now we hope that eventually there might be siblings and cousins. I find myself fantasizing about boats and dice games, about hot dog roasts and smores. About pretending to camp in mimi's back yard. It is so exciting to see her dream come true, and it is even better that we get to be a part of it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YEAHH How much fun! I am sure that you will all have great times there! What a fun thing your mom did.
