Friday, February 5, 2010

final appointment at the clinic

Off to see Dr Hwang again today. The ultrasound indicated that Lauren is becoming more and more anemic. This is not a surprise given that she has not had a blood transfusion in 3 weeks. There are apparently risks with every transfusion but they become too great after 35 weeks, I am 36 weeks pregnant now. The doctor felt like it was still worth waiting until next Friday to deliver her in spite of the anemia. He prepared me again for the fact that she will probably go to the NICU and probably need a blood transfusion, and that she will be jaundice. I am a little disappointed in that I hoped we were going to avoid the NICU, but at the same time I tell myself that she is in the best possible hands. We all hope that her lungs are adequately prepared next Friday because it seems she will have to be delivered regardless. So I will spend the next week thinking about what Will needs at my mom's, and what Joe and I need at the hospital, and what our dog Sam needs here, and hoping that the one person I can't help prepare, Lauren, hangs on with the help of a wish, and many many prayers.


Anonymous said...

Peace to you in these uncertain few days you have left before Lauren's birth. I'm sure you would have just liked to stay hooked up to all the monitors until next Friday in an attempt to stand guard over her the only way you could. Blessings to you all! Laura

Anonymous said...

We send many prayers your way for each of you. Love the nursery, Joe! The pink and brown theme is SOOOO CUTE! And that big "L"...Lauren is already so Loved! Take care all. Phil and Marcia

Anonymous said...

We pray for your family daily- Please let me know if you need anything-I know what the NICU can be like.

Becky said...

I will have you in my prayers as well as in my heart. You are so strong to be going through this and hope for the best on Friday.