Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I don't know how many of you have had a semi-charmed kind of life, where you have experienced little upheaval, or tragedy...I know at least one of my friends who has talked about being nervous that her "thing" is just around the corner. That she knows that she can not go a lifetime with no bad luck, and that since she has experienced none, she is constantly worried about when "it" is coming. This trip we are taking is sort of a benchmark of sorts. A trip we booked within days after our largest life tragedy to date, a trip that was a reminder that there would be a tomorrow, and indeed there is. As it nears I have been thinking about what it is that I am grateful for and here is just a short list with the general disclaimer that there are things that are not here, these are just the ones that came to mind THIS morning:

1. These specific nurses and doctors who did more than they had to. Laura, Kate, and Dr. Lyndsey Maines. Not for being nurses and doctors so much, but for being human beings...and for making me better then and always. All three of you helped me survive the storm, and made me a better woman by knowing you. I will pay your kindness forward.
2. My mom and papa. It would have been much harder to survive the last months if I did not have them to give us their ear, a pat on the back, a hug. In the beginning I felt like sleeping between them like when I was 8 and they let me.
3. My brother and because he is private that's enough said.
4. My friend Jessica who brought us dinner every night forever and offered to take care of us, and we let her.
5. Old friends who knew when to call and when to not
6. Neighbors who knew when to push and when to pull
7. Colleagues, teachers and AEA alike who have worried about us and worried about Lauren, who have prayed and hoped and cried with us.
8. New friends who accept me now, just as I am.
9. My husband for allowing me to go on vacations when there are so many other things that we could spend our money on, who knows what I need and lets me have it.
10. And you, who ever you are for reading this blog.


Christina said...

Nice! We should all make a list like this on a regular basis!! : )

Sarah Ferguson Hobson said...

Love it - as always~

Sarah Wefel said...

Brought a tear to my eye AND put a smile on my you guys

Sarah Wefel said...

Brought a tear to my eye AND put a smile on my you guys