Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Finding our smiles again!

It has taken me a few days to post on our blog! I think some people were afraid this meant that I didn't have as good a time as expected...this could not be further from the truth. The truth is that I don't even know where to begin about what turned out to be a week of magic for our family. While some days were more magical than others, there was not a single moment when I wondered if it was "worth the money," or over hyped. I at one point felt that one particular day at the Magic Kingdom rated in the top 10 in my entire life. If you would have told me four months ago, that one of my best days ever was just around the corner; I wouldn't have believed it. And yet there it was, my smile. So long on my face that my cheeks ached. Countless times, I felt weepy over the magic and happiness that filled my chest and just how good that felt. We traveled with friends who made the trip extra special, in fact tomorrow's post, "Traveling with the Shorts" ha just kidding..Zac hates appearing on the internet so I will leave it alone. But suffice it to say the five of them added to our adventure and I would do it again in a heart beat! Top ten most magical moments in no particular order:

1. Will says to giraffe on Kilimanjaro safari: "Hi Giraffe, I Will!"
2. The rainbow that appeared in the sky while we were waiting for Fantasmic to begin.
3. Meeting Mickey Mouse Safari, meeting Mickey Mouse at his house, meeting Chef Mickey.
4. The realization that my husband kept pace with me every second for 5 days of Disney magic. Every day I got to the car I thought I could not have gone one more step. You were heroic Joe!
5. Toy Story Mania 3 times, and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin 6 times with the help of the fantastic Fast Pass planning as posed by the Williams family!
6. The day at Magic Kingdom where we managed to be there from nearly open to close.
7. Our entire family and great friends on Cinderella's Golden Carosusel at nearly 1 AM following Chef Mickey's the lighted parade and fireworks.

8. Seeing will meet Woody and Buzz

9. Chef Mickey's, Chef Mickey's, Chef Mickey's

10. Coming home to a letter promising that the Magic was just beginning for our November 2010 visit to the World!


Kim Baker said...

cute pics! Will looks kind of tired on that carousel!

Unknown said...

WOW!! Liz I am so happy you had a magical time at Disney. Your smiles in very picture are priceless!! I can't wait til we plan a trip now. Have fun unpacking and doing the laundry..yuck!!! We will have to get together with the Shorts this summer and enjoy some sun!!

Unknown said...

Your smile truly was (is) back! While I am sure that there will still be tough days ahead - you have made it through!

I am so glad you guys had such a great time! It looks like a blast!